This is a movement to reveal to yourself, your true identity and empower you to reinvent yourself by living by the IAM code.

Uncover The Undiscovered Genius in You November 3, 2011

  1. Do you know that potentially your mind is that of a genius?
  2. Do you believe that you have the same capacity as a Beethoven or an Einstein?

Psychologists over the years have proved that the average person could achieve the same great things that geniuses have if they would just use as little as ten percent more of their brain potential. Think about it! You have the genius to create greatness and live a fuller, more productive and successful life if you will but use ten percent more of your brain potential than you now use.

In fact, the great psychologist William James goes even further in his discovery of the human mind: he states that the greatest geniuses of history used only ten percent of their brain potential! Now this is an astounding statement and promises you untold power if you can only release a small part of your brain potential. The thoughts and inspiration of a Leonardo da Vinci may be imprinted on your consciousness and act as a blueprint upon which to construct your new and greater destiny. The insight of a Galileo, the daring of a Newton, may be emblazoned upon your conscious and subconscious minds, causing you to break through the barriers of ignorance and limitation that may be keeping you from winning high goals in life.

The imagination and audacity of a Benjamin Franklin, or an Edison, may cause you to discover priceless secrets of the universe, as they did when they discovered and harnessed electric power.

You can harness the genius within your mind and find a whole new world of wonder and enchantment. You are an undiscovered genius, and when you grow wings of the imagination you may soar into unlimited realms of great achievement. Dare to think of yourself as being an extraordinary person, with great powers of the mind.

You were created with an imagination that can cause you to think of yourself as being big, successful, rich, powerful— anything you desire can be imaged, and the wings of imagination will carry you aloft into that rarefied atmosphere of genius and greatness.

When you have once been exposed to the rhythm of the universal music of the spheres and received the noble inspiration that great music gives the human consciousness, you will never be the same ordinary person. You will become extraordinary, illumined and raised to the lofty heights that these creative geniuses of history have scaled. You’ll be able to rewrite the movie script of your life and act it perfectly on world’s giant stage.

There are thousands of ordinary people just like you and me who have accomplished extraordinary things in their lives by learning to utilize the genius of their mind to a much greater extent than the average person ever does.

The limitation you see and feel is only in your mind. When you radically change your perception of yourself and the world you see, you will be able to walk the hall of fame of geniuses.

Just think about it!